The Journal of Wild Culture

I recently entered a jamboree for The Journal of Wild Culture. A fantastic looking online magazine about to relaunch that describes itself as " exploring the broad and fertile intersection between culture and the environment. " So far their twitter feed has been full of interesting articles and art focusing on rather a wide range of things but the articles catching my eye focus on juxtapositions between our technical modern world and that of the natural world surrounding us. Basically the magazine sounds right up my street so I had to enter!   I ended up sending them a couple of pieces from my Tribe project and I received a wonderful email from their assistant editor telling me my Spirit Bear piece had received a unanimous YES from every judge and that they wanted to send me this beautiful book! I've had a little snoop through it on my recent long bus ride up to Scotland and it's full of those questions you ask about the environment but never really got a proper answer to. And even better than that each question is accompanied by a full page illustration. It even features work by some of my favourite illustrators. I will definitely be doing a post on some of my favourite things from inside this beautiful book.
A huge huge thank you should go out to Sarah Lester and Wild Culture for this lovely gift as well as choosing my work. It really does mean so much to me.


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