Life is Very Long

  I've been thinking about how to phrase this post for a long time now. How to put it into words. How to go about actually writing about what happened and why I decided to disappear and why I stopped creating work for, what feels like, after having so much drive and inspiration, an eternity. To say things fell apart feels dramatic, but what happened was dramatic.

  I won't go into too much detail. But something happened to me that required me to lean on friends and family very heavily. Something that made me realise I had essentially given up who I was for quite some time, and that I was left somewhat confused as to where I should be and who I should be. Luckily I'm more or less back to who I was, someone I quite like. I'm still learning though, there's large chunks of me I'm still building and I've noticed the work I have squeezed out of my brain has a much more autobiographical slant. 

  I am no longer Tokyo based but living back in London now with a group of wonderful creative friends and I am once again in love with this city. With all the places I've been and fell for nowhere feels quite the right form of "right" as London. Slowly but surely it's bringing my inspiration back and helping me get back to who I used to be. I'm 25, and I often feel old but the best piece of advice I ever received was the reminder that "Life is long, life is very long." So the past months where I have barely touched a sketchbook shouldn't matter, because my desire to get my drive back is incredibly strong.

  I still have so much of Tokyo to share with you and I will still plough through all the wonderful amazing experiences I had there so I hope you will stick with me for those and for what is to come. I have no idea where or even who I might be in the next six months, but that's both kind of terrifying and exciting. 


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