Happy Halloween - Day 14 - Aleksandra Waliszewska

At the weekend I like to give you someone to explore and if there was anyone who's pieces demanded your attention to understand their utter strangeness it's Aleksandra Waliszewska.

I came across Aleksandra on flickr, years and years ago. Her paintings are confronting and terrifying and were always presented without any explanation. I liked the idea that she was trying to work through some misunderstood emotion in her head, or indeed she roamed some frighteningly wild corner of Poland and was bringing us into the nightmarish creatures she saw.

Aleksandra has since come forward saying she wants the meaning of her paintings to be discovered by the onlooker. I like the idea that despite how honestly terrifying her pieces are she wants you to look closer to try and untangle the reason she has placed in these unnerving scenes.

 I honestly have about 17 favourite pieces from this fantastic artist (as happens when you've been following someone's career for several years) so this is possibly not the last you will see of Aleksandra on this page. 

I urge you to explore her flickr, it is truly a horrifying wonderland.


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